OnihyComyCosis is a pathology in which the fungi that penetrated into the body began to influence the nail plates on your hands and legs. Pathogenic food pathology on Keratin, so consecutive diseases are inevitably destroying. However, yellow tubular nails are not the only problem that patients will face.Than nail fungus is dangerous- Information that each person faced this problem must find out.
Causes and symptoms of the nail fungus
Infection occurs when the fungus gets from another person. Often the infection is happening in a wet warm room (pool, sauna, shower), where fungus can survive outside the bracket for a while. The short time pathogenic lives in the ground, but when the ultraviolet rays of dermatophytes and microspores are entered, they die quickly.
Pathogenic mushrooms surround the person everywhere, but among all people from the disease, 25-30% of the population suffers. This is due to the fact that the immune system can fight the infection. Once the fungus penetrates the nail and starts actively multiplies, immunity efforts will be almost impossible to deal with the disease. But while the fungus is just trying to acquire a foothold on the body, immunity is actively fought against them.

Reducing immunity occurs with:
- stress;
- lack of sleep;
- Travelogogies: diabetes, hepatitis, disbiosis, hormone disorders;
- Body rehabilitation after colds, surgical intervention;
- leather diseases;
- Durations of the extremity.
You can recognize fungi from the first days after infection. The pathological process begins with damage to thumbs or small fingers: nails lose their shine, yellow appear a joke and spots on them. When cutting the free edge, the plate is falling apart like chalk, crashed. As the disease advances, the nail becomes a burrow and thick, except onycholytic form of disease. The skin around the finger itching, blush, an unpleasant acidic scent comes from the fingers.
If nail fungus is not treated, Pathology will progress.The consequences of the nail fungusDifferent, because pathogen pathology penetrates deeper into the body and begins to attack internal organs.
Physician opinion:
Fungi for nails is a common disease that is, unfortunately, often undervalued. Doctors categorically do not recommend ignoring this problem, as it can lead to serious complications in the lack of treatment. Increasing a fungal infection can lead to the deformation of the nails, their detachment and in some cases even complete the destruction. In addition, nail fungus can become a source of leather diseases and other infections, which increases the risk of overall health. It is therefore important to contact the expert on the first signs of the disease to avoid possible complications and start treatment in a timely manner.
Than the body mushroom is dangerous
The fact of the fungus itself indicates that the body's defense is not active enough. Most often this is a temporary reduction in immunity, but there is also a risk of hidden immunodeficiency.
Due to the fact that the disease is considered irrelevant, many people do not think,than the body's nail fungus is dangerous. If he does not continue without a lot of discomfort, and the person does not bother the change of the nail look, can ignore long careful treatment. However, factors may occur that will reduce the operation of immunity and do the body countless before infection: long period of antibiotic, immunosups, drug transplants, drug transplantation, body transplantation.
Therefore important to know aboutWhat nail fungus leads to feetAnd hands.
Complications of fungi
Complications of Fungus fleetAnd include hands:
- Distribution of fungi in other bodies and systems;
- change of immune status;
- deterioration of chronic pathology;
- Deterioration in nail prospects;
- Psychological discomfort, depression;
- Finger deformation: arthritis, flat feet;
- Deteriorating allergic reactions.
If you do not treat nail fungus, The consequences are developing in a few years. But if a person has chronic pathologies, their deterioration with the background of a fungal infection can speed up the change in immune status. The problem will be the nature of the closed circle: both fungi and its complications will progress.
How I ruined my nail fungus forever! Nail Fungus on his feet at home

The experience of other people
Fungus nail is not just a cosmetic problem, it is a serious disease that requires attention and timely treatment. People face this problem often notes not only an unpleasant nail appearance, but also constant itching, ignition and unpleasant odor. However, if you do not start treatment on time, nail fungus can lead to serious complications. In the worst case, infections can be expanded to other nails or even on the skin, causing painful ulcers. In addition, a fungal infection can cause allergic reactions, and even problems with the immune system. Therefore, it is important not to postpone a visit to the doctor and start treatment with the first signs of nail fungus.
Diagnosis and treatment of ONY micromicosis
The diagnosis is usually done by examining and collecting anamnesis. If the diagnosis is difficult or need to distinguish pathology from similar ones, laboratory diagnostics are used. The study is taken into a fragment of the affected nail plate, which is examined under a microscope. Identified microorganisms are sent for sowing to determine whether there is a fungal or bacterial infection (staphylococcus, streptococcus).
Warn everythingThe consequences of the nail fungusAnd hands, you need to choose therapy. It is divided into local and generally. The first is prescribed according to the initial stages of disease development, others - with advanced ONY micromicose.
The tablets allow you to recover faster without daily procedures, the active substance accumulates on the nail plate, continuing to act even after the course stopped. But tablets have many contraindicates, including:
- pregnancy;
- lactation;
- liver damage;
- A kidney failure.
In this case, local therapy is recommended: ointment, creams, solutions and sprays. Daily is applied to nails, some in a few hours. The most popular drugs that eliminate illness and preventThe consequences of nail fungus on the feet on the body, are varnishes, tablets, etc.
Therapeutic varnishes that allow you to take care of ill nails only 2 times a week are very popular. They mask the signs of illness and destroy his pathogen. You can only buy them in the pharmacy, it is not recommended to use ordinary varnishes during therapy.
It is important to understand that therapy leads to complete destruction of the disease only after the end of treatment stream. By this time, drugs simply blink fungus activity, so a person may not guess,What threatens nail fungusuntil he has cured completely.
Recipes of non-traditional therapies can be used as an auxiliary method.
- Apple vinegar creates harmful conditions for the livelihood of fungi. You can wipe your nails with a cotton pillow, moistened in vinegar or dilute in bath water.
- Largering Soap was used to treat yourchomicosis in non-traditional therapy for several decades. The product can foam and leave on fingers for 15-20 minutes, then rinse with water.
- Soda baths are the easiest and most affordable way of unpredictable treatment. They do not cause irritation on the skin, so they are suitable even for children and allergies.
- Propolis tincture, which can be purchased in the pharmacy, has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties. It can be used for baths, water dilution.
- Iodis helps to treat fungus. Easy to use: You just have to apply the product with a thin layer before bed, and during the night it will be completely absorbed.
Knowledgethan the nail fungus is dangerous if not treated, a person will approach the question of treatment more carefully, no matter how long it takes.
Danger of fungus for pregnant women
During the pregnancy, women becomes vulnerable to external and internal sources of infection. Hormonal changes can reduce immunity activity, so the Mogačka mother can infect the fungus, or with the worsening of ony micromicosis, if she is already infected earlier.
What is the nail fungusIn pregnant women, it depends on the fact whether self-exempt will happen. Often, patients even carry pathogen from nail on their hands and back in the early phases. There is also the probability of transmitting pathogens in the groin if the underwear first affects affected nails and then the genitals. Therefore, ingvinal micosa is formed.
When a child passes through the birth of the canal, he is infected with mushrooms. ThereforeIf you do not treat nail fungus, consequencesFor the future mother and her baby can be serious.
If the woman determined that she was sick with an onicmicosis, but during pregnancy, she should immediately advise with a doctor. Most medications are contraindicated for her, so you need to choose the most pretester therapy or put off the treatment time to birth, using traditional medicine that does not cause allergies.
What will happen if you don't treat the fungus
Fungi live microorganisms that excrete waste in the process of their life. For people, these products are toxic, and if they enter the bloodstream, they can violate the work of the organ.
- Toxidermia is an acute inflammatory process, as a result, affected the skin. In the absence of therapy, dangerous complication can develop - toxic epidermal necrolysis.
- Lyella syndrome is a complication of toxidemia, toxic epidermal necrolysis. In addition to the formation of rash, the internal authorities are damaged, and the multiple organ defect causes death.
- Toxic hepatopathy - liver damage in the conditions of excess toxins in the body.
Also, an allergic reaction can be developed on the background of intoxication, which causes damage, kidneys, liver and other peritoneal bodies.
Toxins negatively affect the work of the immune system. Immunity repairs the source of blood infection, but cannot handle it. Changes in immunological status If protective forces are reduced, a person often suffers from respiratory infections or meets in the relapk of chronic inflammatory processes.
Meaning of immunity can lead to the development of autoimmune pathology, and they are their most important points,What is the danger of nail fungus on your feet if it is not treatedin a timely manner and accurately. Autoimmune processes are not treated, corticosteroids are prescribed to stop them, which temporarily "exclude" immune protection. But if a person has a fungal infection in the body, the immunosupression of medications will worsen his condition.
Psychological discomfort
Mushrooms destroy nails, makes their appearance repulsive. Some patients develop depression, limitations and insulation against this background. Many are uncomfortable to leave the house, afraid to face the negative reaction of others.
Cosmetic consequences
Despite the fact that many people knowWhat threatens nail fungus on your feetAnd with your hands and use drugs for therapy, many mistakenly believe that the properly selected medications will return the nail plate. But in fact, it will not be possible to repair the darkened and deformed nail panel. The task of therapy is to stop the pathological process and let the growing nails, without traces of damage.
For several months, the nails on which the fungus live will have yellow or gray, and on the running of gradual dark brown, color, stripes, stains and cracks. You can use the therapeutic easy to mask.
Danger of fungi for others
UnderstandingWhat is dangerous for those around the nail fungusAnd hands, we can conclude that fungus treatment is not just a person's individual business, but also his duty to people around. The disease is quickly transmitted by personal contact, using a shared shower.
If one person is sick in the family in the disease, all family members should be taken for prevention.
Prevention of fungal diseases
A fungal infection occurs in a collision with pathogenic pathology while reducing the body defense. Therefore, prevention involves avoiding sources of infection and support for protective forces.
This is necessary:
- Process shoes inside;
- carefully observe personal hygiene;
- After drying, wipe your feet and hands;
- Avoid walking barefoot;
- Do not wear other people's shoes;
- Sanitize chronic infection foci;
- Eat right.
That there are not possible to relax pathology, after recovery, it is recommended to eject all the accessories for the manicure used during the disease. It is also recommended that you get rid of your shoes, but if it is not possible, it should be treated with special mycostopic drugs or apple vinegar.
Frequently asked questions
What happens if you don't treat fungus on your nails?
What is the danger? Without treatment, a fungal lesion can serve as a "ticket" for infectious diseases, for example, eryizipel. The worst thing is that in many patients this process is crossed to hands sooner or later than the foot. For women, this is a real tragedy.
What are the consequences of nail fungus?
A fungal infection mainly affects the toes, but in rare cases affects hands. Thosehomicosis is an unpleasant cosmetic drawback and can cause numerous complications such as gangler, diabetic foot and fleegmons of lower extremities. Other Names of Diseases: Nail Fungia.
Is it possible to lose a nail due to fungus?
Fungus develops in a warm and damp environment, which provides a nail plate. Onychomicosis is not harmless at all! In the neglected case, the fungus destroys the nail growth zone and you can fully lose your nail plate.
What does neglected nail mushroom look like?
Neglocious nail mushrooms is a serious reason for dermatologists: signs are: deformed thickened or nails, destruction, laying, nail change in gray, yellow, white, brown, sometimes green or black
Useful tips
Council no. 1
In the first signs of nail fungus, contact the dermatologist for the correct diagnosis and prescribing treatment. Do not postpone a visit to the doctor, because the fungus can lead to serious complications.
Council no. 2
Follow doctor's recommendations for cure nail fungus. Do not interrupt the treatment flow before the schedule and do not miss the use of medications to avoid relapse and complications.
Council no. 3
Follow nail hygiene rules: Wash and dry your nails regularly, do not wear synthetic material shoes, use individual manicure supplies.